Au revoir, but not goodbye
I started Rachel Lucie Jewellery Designs way back in 2008
Since contracting ME/CFS in June 2019 unfortunately I have not recovered. I managed with a mostly housebound life, still able to walk my dog sometimes, and deal with the lessening jewellery orders that came my way. I no longer promoted myself and was unable to attend fairs.
I announced last year that I would change the way I worked to accommodate my illness with a view to my ongoing recovery. This worked really well, and I had some lovely supportive messages from clients.
However, following my first Astra Zeneca vaccination in March this year I became very ill. I also developed a condition called POTS (postural orthastatic tacycardia syndrome), and have not recovered.
This was over 6 months ago, and as I am still too ill to work, regrettably I have to pause Rachel Lucie Jewellery Designs for until further notice.
I want to thank all my loyal customers over the years, and can only give my heart felt apologies to those whose orders I have not been able to fulfill recently. It has been such an honour to be part of your lives through gifts and the pieces of jewellery that have significance to you and the people you love.
I haven't given up, and do hope at some point to be well enough to reopen.
Au revoir, but not goodbye! 💜
Rachel xx